Finding the right life partner is hard enough,
finding the vendors for your special day shouldn't be!
Set criteria for vendors
Tell us about your event details (budget, number of guests, wedding location, date and more) to attract the wedding professionals you want to work with.
Multiple quotes within 3 days
All qualified vendors that you are matched with can now see your active service request! Receive quotes in a timely manner, and manage all communication in one dashboard.
Real-time Notifications
Want to know EXACTLY when a vendor quotes or messages you? Set your preferences to receive notifications via email and/or push notifications.
In-app Messaging
Directly message the vendors after receiving a quote to start planning for your big day! You can talk more about special circumstances, services, and whatever else is needed to finalize pricing.
Why Vendors Trust BrideGenie
No Pay to the top model
Vendors are NOT promoted based on an monthly subscription. Couple and Vendors are matched with each other based ONLY on the each person's requirements and criteria.
Free leads, FOREVER
Receive qualified leads from couples that meet our budget and preference criteria, for FREE! You only need to pay whenever you want to send in quotes to a couple.
Analytics & Unified dashboard
Our vendors have access to real-time analytics to study market trends and stay ahead of the game. Critical information like the average, mean, and median quote prices per category and location are presented on a dashboard.
Increased efficiency
Prevent the back-and-forth you have with your new clients by keeping your profile updated, only sending in quotes for requests that you like, and by messaging engaged couples directly in-app.
Why Vendors Trust BrideGenie
No Pay to the top model
Vendors are NOT promoted based on an monthly subscription. Couple and Vendors are matched with each other based ONLY on the each person's requirements and criteria.
Free leads, FOREVER
Receive qualified leads from couples that meet our budget and preference criteria, for FREE! You only need to pay whenever you want to send in quotes to a couple.
Analytics & Unified dashboard
Our vendors have access to real-time analytics to study market trends and stay ahead of the game. Critical information like the average, mean, and median quote prices per category and location are presented on a dashboard.
Increased efficiency
Prevent the back-and-forth you have with your new clients by keeping your profile updated, only sending in quotes for requests that you like, and by messaging engaged couples directly in-app.